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College Planning

5 Ways For College Funding

Our decisions now will impact your future finances. 1. Specific college-savings vehicles Sponsored by states, 529 plans are the most popular method of college savings. More than 12 million 529 accounts have been opened. Any investment growth is tax-free if the...

College Planning

College Essay Application Tips

With early application and regular decision deadlines fast approaching, students may feel overwhelmed with the task of writing their essays. At SAGE Scholars, we're here to help prepare the next generation of prospective students for success. During this critical...

College Planning

Support Guide for Parents

This article discusses effectively supporting your child while nurturing and growing your relationship with them. Being a parent is an amazing adventure. Along the way, there are once in a lifetime moments that will always be embedded in your memory. Unforgettable...

College Planning

Transferring Colleges Process

While transferring colleges can be a big transition, it doesn't have to be a stressful process. If you follow these simple steps, not only will you find the college of your dreams, but earn a degree that works for you! "It's not you, it's me." It's not just some...